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Wysokowydajny wentylator do PS3

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Wysokowydajny wentylator do PS3

Wysokowydajny wentylator do PS3

Ulepszone chłodzenie naszej konsoli to 99% pewności, że nie złapiemy YLOD-a. Link do filmiku instruktażowego ...

Cena: 115.01zł

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Ilość opinii: 26
Średnia ocena: 3.4

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Opis: Wysokowydajny wentylator do PS3
Sklep: Games-Box

Ulepszone chłodzenie naszej konsoli to 99% pewności, że nie złapiemy YLOD-a.
Link do filmiku instruktażowego - instalacja w konsoli.

Gets your PS3 cooler and quieter!
The cooling power of the whisper fan is now available for the Playstation 3.

Sony originally included 19 bladed fans in its original Japanese production, but when production started in China there was a switch to a 15 bladed fan of the same type. These fans had lower CFM (cubic feet per minute of air moved) and many people reported that they could make your Playstation run very hot and loud.

This fan is a direct replacement for 15 bladed fans. The fan is quieter by several decibels, runs slower (in RPM) creating less high pitched vibration noise.

There are also reports it makes big different in performance in graphics! Faster game play and hardly no jerk as before on some demanding games.

Retail package.

19 blades
Runs at 2.6A, 2450RPM, 54.32d(b)A, 60 CFM

Important information:
Please note that while this fan will physically fit into Playstation 3s with the 17 blade fan, those fans operate at 1.7A.

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